`Word' data type et al._(re)

Tue, 17 Jun 1997 16:13:12 +0200

The African Chief wrote:

> In bpcompat's GPCTYPES unit, I have this;
> {$ifdef _Borland_16_Bit_}

Is this defined by default in your unit? (Otherwise it might be confusing
for BP->gpc programmers.)

> Type
> Single    = __short__ Real;
> Double    = Real;
> Extended  = __long__ Real;
> ShortInt  = __byte__ Integer;
> LongInt   = Integer;
> Comp      = __longlong__ Integer;
> Integer16 = __short__ Integer;
> Word      = __unsigned__ Integer16;
> {$endif _Borland_16_Bit_}

Don't forget:

Byte = __unsigned__ Shortint;

But I think you could use the "more comfortable" gpc identifiers now,
just to make it a bit more readable.
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany
Turbo Pascal:   http://www.mi.uni-erlangen.de/~heckenb/programs.htm
Internet links: http://www.mi.uni-erlangen.de/~heckenb/links.htm

Frank Heckenbach (heckenb@mi.uni-erlangen.de)

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