`Word' data type et al._(re)

Mon, 16 Jun 1997 20:17:00 -0700

Frank Heckenbach wrote:
> Peter Gerwinski wrote:
> > I noticed a lot of confusion about Integer types in GNU Pascal.
> So did I (read: I was confused in the beginning ;-). I was going to
> post something about it sometime anyway...
> >       32       Integer      Word           [unsigned] int =3D=3D long
> >       64       LongInt      LongWord       [unsigned] long long
> >
 etc etc=20

You may be interested to know the answer given by Borland to the same
problem in Delphi 2.0 when going from 16 bit to 32 bit system.=20
The following is a cut out of the Delphi help (in french however):


Les types entiers pr=E9d=E9finis de Pascal Objet sont
divis=E9s en types fondamentaux et g=E9n=E9riques.
Les applications doivent utiliser les formats
 entiers g=E9n=E9riques chaque fois que c'est possible,
 car cela entra=EEne de meilleures performances pour
 le processeur et le syst=E8me d'exploitation.=20
Les types entiers fondamentaux devraient n'=EAtre
 utilis=E9s que lorsque l'intervalle r=E9el et/ou le
 format de stockage sont importants pour l'application.

Types fondamentaux

Les types d'entiers fondamentaux sont :

Type    Intervalle      Format

Shortint        -128 .. 127     Sign=E9, 8 bits

SmallInt        -32768 .. 32767 Sign=E9, 16 bits

Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647       Sign=E9, 32 bits

Byte    0 .. 255        Non sign=E9, 8 bits
Word    0 .. 65535      Non sign=E9, 16 bits

L'intervalle et le format des types fondamentaux=20
sont ind=E9pendants du processeur et du syst=E8me=20
d'exploitation et ne changent pas avec les=20
diff=E9rentes impl=E9mentations de Pascal Objet.

Types g=E9n=E9riques

Les types entiers g=E9n=E9riques sont Integer et Cardinal.=20
Le type Integer type repr=E9sente un entier sign=E9 g=E9n=E9rique
 et le type Cardinal type repr=E9sente un entier non sign=E9
 g=E9n=E9rique. les intervalles r=E9els et les formats de
 stockage des types g=E9n=E9riques varient avec les=20
diff=E9rentes impl=E9mentations de Pascal Objet,=20
mais permettent g=E9n=E9ralement les op=E9rations sur=20
les entiers les plus efficaces pour le processeur=20
et le syst=E8me d'exploitation.

Type    Intervalle      Format

Integer -32768 .. 32767 Sign=E9, 16 bits

Integer -2147483648 .. 2147483647       Sign=E9, 32 bits

Cardinal        0 .. 65535      Non sign=E9, 16 bits

Cardinal        0 .. 2147483647 Non sign=E9, 32 bits

The idea is exactly the same as that contained in the letter of
Frank Heckenbach of today, except for the replacement of=20
Ordinal by Cardinal (which was also suggested by Franck).
So I would vote to implement what is proposed by Franck,
with only the replacement of ordinal by cardinal to have
some compatibility. i.e.
Generic Types

Integer      Cardinal

Well defined types

int8      card8   (=3Dbyte is the only case without doubt)
int16     card16
int32     card32


          card9 =3D 0..2 POW 9 -1    ... if needed: this is always
                                   allowed by the pascal syntax
                                   but the amount of memory involved
                                   is implementation dependant:

Compatibility types
anything contained in bpcompat.pas delphi1compat.pas
delphi2compat.pas and everything you need,
better than compiler switches when possible to
avoid to garble the compiler by a lot of special
purpose oddities: the idea of C to keep a minimum
in the compiler and a maximum in libraries is
not so bad (when it is possible).

                     Maurice Lombardi
Lab. Spectrometrie Physique, Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
             38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
Tel: (33) 04 7651 4751.                           Fax (33) 04 7651 4544.

Maurice Lombardi (Maurice.LOMBARDI@ujf-grenoble.fr)

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