NOT A BUG Report :-)_(re)

Sat, 14 Jun 1997 13:20:09 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Bernhard Tschirren:
> Whew, this is not another bug report! :-0  Its a suggestion for a feature
> that I'd like in GPC.


> Sometimes I have to link in 'C' (ugh) code with GPC. Usually this 'C' code
> has been compiled into a ".a" library. Is there any way I can tell GPC to
> automatically link this ".a" file with my program using automake?
> [...]
> Please tell me if Im setting my expectations of GPC a little too high :-)

Too late:  It's already implemented in my current development GPC.  (-:

(I see:  It's really time for a new (beta) release (like promised),
but before that I want to get rid of some really ugly bugs which only
show up on a DEC Alpha.  Since I don't have a DEC Alpha, it's not easy
(and expensive)-; for me to hunt them.)

To invoke this, wait till I eventually release the next beta; then say

    (*$L foo.o *)
This has the same effect as an additional `foo.o' on the command line and
should work with `foo.a' as well.

In addition,

    (*$L foo.c *)

has the same effect as (*$L foo.o *), except that - in combination with
`--automake' - GPC tries to compile `foo.c' if `foo.o' does not exist or
`foo.c' is younger than `foo.o'.

Okay, so let me go on with GPC ...

(* perhaps this weekend ... Daumen druecken! *)


 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970510] - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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