`Word' data type_(re)

Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:04:57 +0800

At 05:24 PM 13/06/97 +0200, you wrote:

>AFAIK, a "word" is defined to be the "natural" unit of the computer,
>but maybe this definition has changed since I have learned it.  If the 
>definition of a word is indeed "16 bits" now, I should change GPC's

DONT CHANGE IT! The word size of a computer is indeed the size of the
"natural" unit that the computer works with. GPC is a 32-bit compiler for
32-bit machines (except the 64-bit ALPHAS) so the type "WORD" should be 32-bits!

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Bernhard Tschirren (bernie@icenet.com.au)

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