Inline Assembler Problems_(re)

Sun, 4 May 1997 12:10:47 +0200

According to Peter Gerwinski :
> According to PredatorZeta:
> > 
> > I receive the same invalid 386 instruction error message.
> > Mmmh...I investigate on this. I have found this (probably) bug in the
> > "as":
> > 
> > movl $_TheArray(,%%esi,4), %%eax
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > movl %%eax, _TheArray(,%%esi,4)
> > 
> > is accepted from the assembler without any problems. But sadly:
> > 
> > movl %%eax, $_TheArray(,%%esi,4)
> > 
> > is refused. If this isn't a bug, anyone know the reasons?
> I do not really know, but I guess that it's the following:
> The `$' denotes a constant value, something without a `$' denotes
> a memory reference. 

Not exatly, because $_TheArray is however an immediate value
The "AS" might accept this, because $_TheArray can be managed really as an
immediate. Besides, logically if "movl $_TheArray(,%%esi,4), %%eax" is OK,
movl %%eax, $_TheArray(,%%esi,4) MUST be OK.

>  But if it is so, I have problems to imagine
> what "movl $_TheArray(,%%esi,4), %%eax" means ... except if the
> `movl' is silently translated to a `leal'.
> Could please somebody check it out?

Here you are Peter!
I have disassembled the object file outputted by "AS". 

"movl $_TheArray(,%%esi,4), %%eax"   is showed in Intelly way as

"mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi*4+_TheArray]"

without any lea.
More probably is an "AS" parsing problem. If it found an $ at the
beginning of
the DEST operand, it assume that you tried to move something in an
value, and emit the error message. But it isn't necessary an invalid


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