Inline Assembler Problems_(re)

Sat, 3 May 1997 23:16:37 +0200

> A description of GPC's inline assembler was recently posted to this list
> by somebody who calls himself "Predator Zeta".  

Hello boyz!! Do you want call me with my real name? :))
Well, is "Dario Angelo Anzani". Predator came from some 
Quake deadmatch that I did.  ZzzZ stay for sleeper...8-)))

>"StOp GrInNiNg AnD dRoP yOuR lInNeN...", so maybe you did not identify it
>as something about assembler. ;-)  In case you have lost that mail, you

I reveal the mystery: StOp GrInNiNg AnD dRoP yOuR lInNeN is a quote
from an AC/DC song entitled "Shake a Leg".  [album: Back In Black]
There are no way to identify it as something about assembler, but I really
like it.8-))) But OK, in the next release, the subject will be something
like this:
"Please read this message because I wrote an assembler doc and if you read
it you can learn more about assembler. " This would be nice for those that
push cancel BEFORE read the contents of message 8-X

Here there is the snag corrected:

>     Var
>        TheArray : Array[0..99] Of Integer; {32-bit}
>     Begin
>         Asm("
>             ... Code ...
>             movl  _Index, %esi                    (*you must double % if
you use Ext. Asm*)
>             movl  $_TheArray(,esi,4), %eax
>             ... Code ...
>         ");
>     End.


|  Codename: PrEdAtOr~Z;   Sex: Male;     Status: Free coder |
*              E-mail:                      *
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PredatorZeta (

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