CygWin32 and BPCompat

Mon, 9 Jun 1997 10:36:46 +0100 (BST)

Hi all,

I have just succeeded over the weekend to compile SYSTEM.PAS,
STRINGS.PAS, AND OBJECTS.PAS with CygWin. This has required 
some $IFDEFs and the addition of some new functions, just for CygWin -
(so, AFAIK, the SYSTEM unit in BPCompat now compiles correctly under
DJGPP, EMX, Linux, and CygWin - any other successes?)

One thing which I am missing is the Win32 API in Pascal. Has anyone
translated any of the CygWin32 C headers (esp. any Win32 API calls) 
to GPC? I would like to start a collection of these. Better still, is anyone
willing to write a program that will parse a CygWin32 C headers and
generate a GPC unit from it?


I have found that many things are different under CygWin from the rest
(e.g., the "stat" structure;  the "errno", which is implemented as a macro); 
and many things which are in standard C headers are missing  (e.g.,
strlwr(), strupr(), stricmp, etc.). 

Best regards, The Chief 
Dr Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief, and the Great Elephant)
Author of:  Chief's Installer Pro v3.60 for Win16 and Win32.

The African Chief (

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