CygWin32 and BPCompat_(re)

Mon, 9 Jun 1997 12:09:21 +0100 (WET DST)

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, The African Chief wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have just succeeded over the weekend to compile SYSTEM.PAS,
> STRINGS.PAS, AND OBJECTS.PAS with CygWin. This has required 
> some $IFDEFs and the addition of some new functions, just for CygWin -
> (so, AFAIK, the SYSTEM unit in BPCompat now compiles correctly under
> DJGPP, EMX, Linux, and CygWin - any other successes?)
> One thing which I am missing is the Win32 API in Pascal. Has anyone
> translated any of the CygWin32 C headers (esp. any Win32 API calls) 
> to GPC? I would like to start a collection of these. Better still, is anyone
> willing to write a program that will parse a CygWin32 C headers and
> generate a GPC unit from it?

I have converted just enough headers to be able to compile a basic GUI
application, where you do all the message handling yourself (no object
windows available :-(

I did this for cygwin32 b16. Then I focussed more on the unix ascpects for
some time, but now I have a b18 GPC compiler, and I'm working on some
cygwin32 things (DLL's, building the RTS as a DLL etc.) I'm not sure that
function attibutes survive through the GPI mechanism (they didn't for
b16) so using units may not be possible. You need the
"__attribute__((stdcall))" feature to access win32 API functions.

Building DLL's on doze95 is difficult (not just for GPC) in b18.
NT seemed fine, but my NT machine crashed a HD this weekend :-(

> PS:
> I have found that many things are different under CygWin from the rest
> (e.g., the "stat" structure;  the "errno", which is implemented as a macro); 
> and many things which are in standard C headers are missing  (e.g.,
> strlwr(), strupr(), stricmp, etc.). 

cygwin32 is basically BSD.
I don't know about the unix (?) that cygwin32 differs from in your
opinion, but Linux for instance is a SYSV like unix.


> Best regards, The Chief 
> Dr Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief, and the Great Elephant)
> Author of:  Chief's Installer Pro v3.60 for Win16 and Win32.
> Homepage:
> E-mail:

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead.  -- RFC1925.

Jan-Jaap van der Heijden (

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