Machine Code..._(re)

Thu, 5 Jun 1997 19:02:00 +0100

 Msg,,Machine Code...
 ---------------------- forwarded by  -- /

o>  array by using 2 functions, one for port input, one for port output. My
o>  problem is that when I type "asm( 'inb %al, %dx' );" the compiler says
o>  "386 instruction not recognized" I tried using an INLINE statement, that
the problem you have is very simple:
just swap the two operands and the thing will do fine :)
gnu-pascal inline assembler is at&t syntax,which uses all operands reverse  
to the normal intel syntax,e.g.
"mov ax,0000h" in intel-syntax becomes "movw 0x0000,%ax" in at&t-syntax


/------------------- A.ECKLEDER@CHATEAU.LINE.ORG ---------------------\
     Who is 'General Failure' - And why is he reading my harddisk ?
\------------------ Andreas Eckleder@2:2480/816.32 -------------------/
## CrossPoint v3.1 ##

Andreas Eckleder ( (Andreas Eckleder))

HTML conversion by Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"