Machine Code...

Wed, 4 Jun 1997 11:07:11 -0400

I was wondering if there was a way to insert Machine Code into a GPC
Program. The reason is that I'm trying to duplicate Borland Pascal's Port
array by using 2 functions, one for port input, one for port output. My
problem is that when I type "asm( 'inb %al, %dx' );" the compiler says "386
instruction not recognized" I tried using an INLINE statement, that didn't
work either, I even tried "asm( '$EC' );" which is the machine code
equivalent, still nothing, then I tried "asm( 'db $EC' );" which didn't do
it either. I understand that GPC was meant to be cross platform, but I need
port access. I also know that I could link it externally, but I don't want
to have to do that unless it's absolutely necessary :( Thanks in advance!

See ya!
Orlando Llanes

Orlando Llanes (

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