
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 14:21:28 +0200

Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> It's no problem to find `bar.gpi' from `Program Humpta'.  However `Module Foo
> Implementation' does not explicitly import `Bar', so it does not know where to
> find those `(some, identifiers, listed, here)'.  To locate them, it looks at
> the name of the module, `Foo', looks up `foo.gpm' where `bar' is listed.  Now
> it can find `bar.gpi' - voila!
> If it looks weird for you, never mind, it does so for me as well.  You don't
> need to worry about all this unless you want to change from UCSD-style Units
> to EP-style Modules. ;-)

Just an idea (since I don't like to have too many files around): it might be
possible to have one file (with the unit name = file name) in the case of
units and two files (one with the module name (= file name?) and one with
the interface name) in the case of modules. Not urgent, of course...
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany
Turbo Pascal:
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