
Fri, 30 May 1997 02:50:40 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 30 May 1997, Frank Heckenbach wrote:

> I'm also wondering! I never used Delphi, so I don't know what use it has
> there. But from my experience, I don't know any case where this is needed -
> except debugging, of course, but that's another story.
> I think, if some program for any reason does need this information, it could
> declare object constants (if implemented), or methods (in the meantime) that
> provide this information explicitly, but unless there's a wide need for this
> information (which I can't see), I don't think it should be included
> automatically.

I was thinking that it would be nice to have this in GPC only because
Delphi had it, without even thinking *how* it could be useful. Now that I
spent some thoughts on this, it's no longer such a good feature to have...
Unnecessary bloat IMHO...

> I agree. Also, I don't like the type-casting bit. But, AFAICS, making
> Load a virtual method (or virtual constructor in the future?) would
> remove all these problems. Since the VMT has been assigned at this point,
> a virtual method can be called without any tricks.

Yes, that's what I intend to do for the GPC-specific class library, but
for the BPCOMPAT package, the Load method is a constructor, and we have to
be compatible, so... :-(

> > Also note that Java has been widely
> > recognized as "C++ as it should have been" (by Bjarne Stroustrup among
> > others, the designer of C++), and Java *doesn't* have multiple
> > inheritance.
> :-)
> So, let's make "BP objects as they should have been"! :-)

Yes! :-)

> > For instance, I tried to make my class as much object-oriented as
> > possible, free of any procedures. For example, Abstract has been made a
> > method of TObject and a similar NoStream method has been added to prevent
> > streaming of non-streamable objects (this is very quite not final,
> > susceptible to removal).
> Perhaps "streamability" would be a good choice for an interface (with the
> methods load and store)?

Yes, for now it isn't an interface since the feature isn't there yet! :-)

> > A thing that would be better to have than multiple inheritance would be
> > pure virtual methods. Would allow me to remove that Abstract method! ;-)
> I assume "pure virtual" is the same as "abstract" methods!?
> I.e., any class that has at least one abstract method can't be instantiated.
> This would indeed be a much better way than Borland's "abtract method" that
> causes a runtime error (again, IMHO, a failure by Borland)!

Yes, exactly! So I could remove the "Abstract" method (did you receive my
CLASSES.PAS?) from TObject.

> Since interfaces are probably easier to implement (see my other mail), and
> sufficient for most cases (including all that I know), I suggest implementing
> interfaces first. If then there is a need for MI that really can't be solved
> with interfaces, it's time to think about adding MI (but actually I'm quite
> confident this won't be the case).

Quite confident too. Actually, if MI gets in there and creeps into the
generic class libraries that will go with GPC, I'll simply switch

> > A purely personal thing, perhaps. If I did it my own way, without any
> > preconceived notions, I would have an ancestor object which would
> > contain everything that I think every object should have.
> Right, everything that *every* object should have, not everything that *some*
> objects should have. E.g. handles: not every object has a handle, so it should
> not be in the base class. If in a windowing system, every instance of TWindow
> and its childs will have a handle, then Handle should be a field of TWindow.
> I know that this complicates matters, especially in the base classes, but
> since this is mostly a one-time job, I think it's worth the effort.

Actually, it simplify things... (IMHO)

> So it should have only properties that really *every* object has - which, of
> course, can't be many, merely administrative things like a VMT pointer,
> perhaps an empty constructor and destructor, and properties of the class
> like parent class, (perhaps) child classes, (perhaps) implemented interfaces,
> (perhaps) ID.


> Anything more (e.g. load and store methods) will not be common to all objects
> (e.g. a mouse object probably can't be stored in a stream), so this should be
> introduced in another class (or interface).

I thought about that, having a direct TObject descendent (TPersistent),
but the problem lied in abstract classes that has descendents that were
streameable and others that aren't. Like say TCollection, which can be a
collection of streameable objects (where you want to implement TCollection
itself as a streamable class) or not. Do we descend TCollection from
TPersistent or TObject? If we descend from TPersistent, what do we do in
case that the TCollection contains non-streamable objects?

> > Not very useful at all. They might as well not have any constructor
> > or destructor.
> Agreed. Since TObject is an abstract class, it really doesn't need a
> constructor. The destructor is ok, since it's virtual, therefore must be
> declared at the base class (this allows removing any object with
> "Dispose(...,Done)").

I like having my objects "cleaned out", but this is really personal... :-)
I guess no constructor is ok if we don't do anything, but I'd like to keep
this... It's easy to bypass if you don't want to use this...

> ...if there's a real need for it. Otherwise I think, compile-time information
> like identfiers does not belong in the executable (apart from debug info).
> I think some people wouldn't like their identifiers to be revealed in a
> program that's distributed without source.


> Many "un-definable" Pascal procedures could be defined with overloading
> and/or optional parameters. Both is possible to do in Pascal, and I hope,
> gpc will have them sometime.

Well, for the moment they aren't...

> Oh, BTW: "sizeof" is not user-definable in C - so they just made it an
> operator instead of a function, what a difference! ;-)

Didn't knew that!

Pierre Phaneuf

"The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offense." - Edsger W. Dijkstra.

Pierre Phaneuf (pp@dilu.ml.org)

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