GPC platforms_(re)

Thu, 29 May 1997 10:35:09 +0100 (BST)

On Wed, 28 May 1997 19:41:17 +0200 (MET DST) Peter Gerwinski 

>> Is it possible to tell which GPC platform and version is being used?
>> [...]
>> This would really help in writing portable code. What do you think?
>I agree in complete.  Let's ask the list what they think, but I am almost
>sure that everybody will agree.

Ok. I am sending this response to the list.

>> [...]
>> So, can this be done with GPC? It would help with a lot of things, e.g.,
>> in the SYSTEM unit - so, could we have these pre-defined in GPC;
>> 	__LINUX__
>> 	__UNIX__
>> 	__DJGPP__ (or __MSDOS__)
>> 	__EMX__ (or __OS2__)
>> 	__WIN32__ (or __CYGWIN__)
>> - depending on which GPC port you are using.
>Since `__MSDOS__' is ambiguous and with EMX one and the same executable
>runs on DOS as well as on OS/2 making this a run-time, not a compile-time
>decision, I vote for `__DJGPP__' and `__EMX__' rather than `__MSDOS__'
>and `__OS2__'. 

Yes, I agree.

>Since I agree with "xxxx"  that Windows 95/NT is
>not a "win" in the sence of hacker's speech (see `' from
>the GNU distribution), but Cygnus is, I'd vote for `__CYGWIN__' rather
>than `__WIN32__', although "Win32" is the official name of that API.

Yes, "__CYGWIN__" seems fine.

>> and you could have;
>> 	__VER20__
>> or whatever, depending on the GPC version.
>Here I'd prefer to use the GNU convention and define the `__GPC__' symbol
>to be `2' and `__GPC_MINOR__' to be `0'.  

I am not sure I understand how this works.

>This also avoids confusion with Borland Pascal 4.0 once we reach 
>that version number.

There would be no confusion, because BP doesn't include the leading
and trailing "__". TP 4.0 would have "VER40" defined. GPC 4.0 would
have "__VER40__" defined.

Best regards, The Chief 
Dr Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief, and the Great Elephant)
Author of:  Chief's Installer Pro v3.50 for Win16 and Win32.

The African Chief (

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