Multiple inheritance (Was: OOP)_(re)

Wed, 28 May 1997 20:50:51 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 28 May 1997, David Fiddes wrote:

> I, also, am against MI as it, along with quite a lot of features of C/C++,
> make it quite a dangerous language for writing reliable programs.... Having
> said that I think that Interface support along the lines of Delphi 3.0/
> Java IS a good idea..Unfortunately it would take quite a bit to implement I
> guess and (if done the Delphi way) would "tie" you to an ActiveX/OLE way of
> doing things as everything in Delphi 3.0 is based on the IUnknown interface
> with it's associated AddRef, QueryInterface and Release methods.....

If we have to have a MI-like feature, it should be something less
dangerous, like interfaces, not the real thing/poison.

Pierre Phaneuf

"The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offense." - Edsger W. Dijkstra.

Pierre Phaneuf (

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