OOP (Was: bpcompat-1.0.zip)_(re)

Sun, 25 May 1997 22:06:41 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 25 May 1997, Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> > This wouldn't work (in BP at least), since this will call TObject's Load
> > constructor and it will reset the type of the object to TObject, whatever
> > has been set with TypeOf().
> In GNU Pascal, initialization takes place outside the constructor as some
> additional inline code.  (I am not 100% sure that this will not change.)

That's the problem (that you're not sure it will not change). BTW, the
constructor *is* the logical place do to such a thing...

> But you are right - this does not work in the current GPC either.
> But I can modify GPC such that constructors only initialize an object
> if it has not been initialized previously.  Then it will work, since
> assignment to `TypeOf ( something )' *is* (manual) initialization.

But how do you check if an object is initialized or not? I don't think
this is the best way either, unless you can devise a *sure* way to check
out if the object is initialized.

> > Couldn't "Load" be a virtual method instead of a constructor (perhaps a
> > Boolean function that returns if it didn't fail)?
> Yes.  IMHO, it could be in BP as well.

It could be in GPC, but is this a BP compatibility unit or not? ;-) In BP
it cannot. It *must* be a constructor, because this is relied upon by
TStream.Get to initialize the object VMT link correctly and allocate the
correct amount of memory.

> Exactly.  For compatibility's sake, somebody should implement the
> "StreamRec" stuff, too, but it can be done in an easier way.

I am doing a BP compatible StreamRec facility for the BPCOMPAT package.

> > And it would be even better if the compiler could do this automatically,
> > i.e. each object type could (optionally) declare an "ObjType" value, and
> > the compiler would provide functions to get the ObjType from a VMT link
> > and vice versa.
> Sounds nice, but how to find a unique number for each object?  Derive it
> from the name?  Then what about storing the name of the object itself
> in the Stream?

Are we looking for BP compatibility or not? BTW, I *am* also developing a
class library made just for GPC using all the new features and fixing many
of the problems with the BP OBJECTS.PAS and the TurboVision libraries. It
would be nice to have RTL functions to get an object name and parent, a
bit like Delphi can give you the class name of an object. A separate
function would be better (probably something accepting a VMT pointer (as
returned by TypeOf() ) as a parameter), since it wouldn't "use up" a
method name. Would be important to put the names of the classes apart from
the symbol table, since the program has to work even if it is stripped!
And also not put all the symbols in every programs, just those that use
the "ClassName()" function, optimizing those using constants as their
parameter and so on...

> And they would be stored in the VMT.  Sounds reasonable.  And the compiler
> could (optionally?) provide an automatic "name" object constant and/or a
> unique number ...

A unique number is a bad idea and shouldn't be used. They can change and
invalidate a file containing streamed objects from compile to compile. The
name isn't also a good idea for a stream (for example, you can lose the
TStrMaker/TStrList functionality). But the name could be useful for other

The way I see it, the best way is to make a legal way to directly call a
specific class constructor. Like the "typed new()" function (passing an
object type as the first parameter) does, but being able to put a variable
there. Maybe a GPC-specific new() function? With another name of course to
avoid incompatibilities...

Pierre Phaneuf

"The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offense." - Edsger W. Dijkstra.

Pierre Phaneuf (pp@dilu.ml.org)

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