
Thu, 22 May 1997 20:12:09 -0400 (EDT)

I just checked out the new bpcompat sources... Did anyone actually *USED*
the OBJECTS.PAS unit??? More specifically, the TStream Put and Get
methods? They are obviously broken...

Ok, so those are difficult parts, but still... What I need is two things:
a way to tell what is the real type of an object like the typeof()
function (didn't check if it was there), and a way to construct an object
of an type as returned by typeof().

Something that would enable me to do something so that
new(typeof(TMyObject), Init) creates an instance of TMyObject, calls Init
and returns a pointer to the newly created object would be just *perfect*.

Pierre Phaneuf

Pierre Phaneuf (pp@gulliver.qc.ca)

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