New, experimental GPC version (pentium-gpc)

Mon, 19 May 1997 14:10:58 +0100 (WET DST)

Hello all,

I have something for the daring folks among you: a GPC, based on the
latest Cygnus CDK snapshot. For those of you who don't know, the Cygnus
snapshots are GCC development releases, so you could consider this to be a
pre-2.8 GCC. I used GPC-alpha 970510.

I tested it on linux and SGI irix and had no problems with it (yet).
Now, GPC alpha releases are usually quite reliable, but this is a major
change in code, so you could consider this _REALLY ALPHA_ ;-)

It can do some cool things like pentium(pro) optimizations.
I would love to hear from somebody who does lots of floating point on a
pentium(pro) whether it's really is faster.

Binaries for pentiumpro-intel·linux (RedHat 4.1) and mips-sgi-irix6.2 are
available. The mips binary is not targeting 64bits because of the
immaturity of mips64 support in GCC.

The linux binary installs in /opt/cdkgpc-i970518. You can move it around,
just make sure you don't install it over your existing GCC.


Apart from numerous "easy fixes" and manual patching, these changes were
necessary because of changes in GCC internals:

gpc-decl.c:	build_complex(): extra argument.

setop.c: clear_storage(): New last argument. Probably clear blocksize.
	set to 1. Not most efficient, but works.

gpc-cccp.c: quick hacks to add:
	int c89
	UCHAR is_space

Known bugs:
(1) "automake" is completely broken. Still looking for a fancy solution that
enables us to share the `gcc' driver with GCC.  
(2) Some files not modified but reused from 2.7.2.x: gpc-cccp.c, gpc-lex.c

All cygwin32 related patches were removed from GPC and must be put back in.
Must check for cygwin32-beta18 compatibility. *maybe* do a djgpp version.

BTW: I don't plan to maintain a seperate Cygnus CDK GPC source tree. You
could consider this a techdemo: the effort and results will pay off once
GCC 2.8 is released, because porting GPC will be much easier then.

Happy hacking!


With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead.  -- RFC1925.

Jan-Jaap van der Heijden (

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