gpc.inf doesn't work (was:Installed Alpha 04/20 - Can't link)_(re)

Wed, 14 May 1997 22:33:00 +0200

BDS>gpc.inf doesn't work (no top node)
BDS>But gpc.inf and gpc.i1 both reference and contain a top node.  I
BDS>can't see why "info --file gpc.inf" complains...
BDS>gcc.inf/gcc.i1 look the same (at least in structure) and work.
it's some problem with structure - i bet the makeinfo version (top of  
dokument - this file is produced by ... or smth. like that) differs.
if that's the case - try to get an newer version of the info programm...

that's been the solution to the problem on my system.
BDS>Berend De Schouwer.


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