Installed Alpha 04/20 - Can't link_(re)

Thu, 15 May 1997 00:22:40 +0100 (WET DST)

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> According to Berend De Schouwer:
> > On Sun, 11 May 1997, Peter Gerwinski wrote:
> > > I was sure that I am using v2.01, but I re-installed my `'
> > > and `', thus the new Alpha gpc-970510 should definitly (?)
> > > be v2.01.
> > 


> > Well, gpc alpha 05/10 still says "ld: can't find djgpp.lnk"
> At least I can reproduce the error now by renaming "djgpp.lnk".
> As a workaround, I am posting my "djgpp.lnk" below; I will try
> to figure out what is going on here ...
> > "gcc -v" reports and works. (compiles hello.c ;)
> > /djgpp/manifest has djdev201.mft, so I think I have djgpp v2.01.
> Same holds for my system.
> > I only started  using djgpp after 2.01 came out.  Is there any
> > other way to find out? (yes, seems like a newbie question ;)
> I join you in this question.

The minimum V2.01 system is:
* djdev201
* gcc2721
* bnu27

(I'm not sure running bnu252 or gcc272 is fatal)

>From V2 to V2.01, "djgpp.lnk" was renamed to "djgpp.djl"

gcc.exe reads rules from "specs" which was adapted to mention "djgpp.djl"
instead of "djgpp.lnk"

Unfortunately, GPC (gpc.exe) reads it's rules from "specs.gpc", which, in
Peter's alpha DJ binaries, still referred to "djgpp.lnk"

Since Peter probably installed djdev201 over djdev200, he probably has
both "djgpp.lnk" and "djgpp.djl", hence didn't notice the problem.

So, please do _NOT_ rename your djgpp.djl to djgpp.lnk, this only prolongs
the confusion. Edit "specs.gpc" to make GPC use djgpp.djl. Get rid of

Hope this thread is finished now...


With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead.  -- RFC1925.

Jan-Jaap van der Heijden (

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