page procedure bug?

Sat, 03 May 97 17:37:19 -0400


The discussion of 'clrscr' caused me to look into GPC's support of the page
procedure.  [On all of the Pascal variants I've used in the past -- I've
never used any Borland variant --  'page' would effectively clear the
screen.]  While GPC on the other hand seems to follow the standard
literally and output just a FF (ASCII 12).  No problem there, but the
problem is that GPC gives a parse error if use just 'page' but accepts
'page(output)'.    My reading of the standard is that page with no
parameters should assume standard output, at least if output is explicitly
declared in the program heading.  (ISO 7185 6.9.5)

E.g.  this program should compile:

program pagetest(output);



Kevin A. Foss   ---

Kevin A. Foss (

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