problem with gpclib.a (alpha-version)..._(re)

1 May 97 22:56:00 +0100

/-------------------- A.ECKLEDER@CHATEAU.CL.SUB.DE ----------------------\

p>  This was a but in some old alpha versions of GPC which is fixed now.
p>  The current version is gpc-970420 (see my signature).
ups...i just realized that what i got yesterday was really a DAMN old  
version ;-) (smth. about feb. of this year i guess)
i'm just downloading gpc-970420 right now...
another problem i had: i was trying to recompile gnu-pascal (both the  
compiler and the executable) but make only told me "couldn't create target  
..\gcc-2171" or smth. like that.
i think all env-vars are set correctly and a version of gcc incl.  
sourcecode is available in ..\gcc-2171.
so: what packages could be missing...what would i have to add?


/------------------- A.ECKLEDER@CHATEAU.CL.SUB.DE --------------------\
     Who is 'General Failure' - And why is he reading my harddisk ?
\------------------ Andreas Eckleder@2:2480/816.32 -------------------/
## CrossPoint v3.1 ##

Andreas Eckleder ( (Andreas Eckleder))

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