What is standard, and what isn't?_(re)

Thu, 1 May 1997 12:49:31 +0000 (GMT)

> 1) Is the comparision with `=' or `<>' of structured variables okay in
>    ISO Pascal?  ISO 10206 only says that the types to be compared
>    must be compatible.
>    If not, this might be a reasonable extension (already offered by
>    some compilers, *not* including Borland Pascal;).

I don't know what is okay in ISO Pascal :-(. But I do have a simple
question. How do you want to compare structured variables? Compare member by
member? I knew a very fine programming language (ELAN) in which it was possible
to define your own operator (`=', `<>' or whatever you wanted). Is it
possible to have this as an extension to Pascal?

Bye, Nils

Nils Bokermann      
Johanneswerkstr. 90        Phone: +49 521 891279
33613 Bielefeld            FAX:   +49 521 550116
Germany			   "Wir wollen die Natur nicht erhalten --
			   Wir wollen nur ihre Dynamik nicht st"oren."

Nils Bokermann (nilsb@reality.owl.de)

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