Re^4: Legal Change in GPC ?

30 Apr 97 21:07:00 +0100

PG>According to Christian Wendt:
PG>> :-) I do the work and get common to the RTS C source (which is very vell
PG>> readable!) - and then learn all the work has been done...
PG>Oh - sorry!  Since an improved BPcompat package for DOS (DJGPP) will
PG>be released soon, what about facing Linux instead?  Sven's BGI2GRX
PG>(Graph) Unit runs under Linux, but we have no CRT yet ...
Hmm. CRT like in TP/BP ?
prhps... at the moment i first would have to look

PG>> PG>available in the `contrib' subdirectory of the GPC distribution.
PG>> BPCompat.pas is in my contrib subdirectory... but only "highlevel"
PG>> functions...
PG>The same stuff as in Borland's CRT, isn't it?
Hmm. no - several stuff.
declaration of byte...
(the date is 27.10.96) - seems to be an extract of tools/system.pas of BO5
PG>> not "impossible"- you only got to reinvent the wheel and write to
PG>> $b80000... _big_ loss in portability & comfort (no easy to call writeln.
PG>Nevertheless this will remain my preferred method in BO5.  The fastest
PG>thing you can imagine on the DOS platform.
hmm. is the type of "file" specified in the ISO /Extended?
would it be possible to define it similar to TP/BP?
there's a list of procedures inwith the file "record" - they specify the  
functions to init/flush/writebuffer/readbuffer (theoretical you could do  
the same with an object...)
PG>> BTW - is there a way to make a procedure to have a variable count of
PG>> parameters? (as writeln) - e.g. would it be possible to define to "C"
PG>> printf procedure within pascal ?)
PG>Yes and no:  You can define a "Procedure Foo ( a, b: Integer; ... );"
as in the C Header files...
PG>with a triple dot indicating a variable number of subsequent arguments,
PG>but I have not yet found out how to access them ...
Hmm. would be very interesting how to implement it- could be quite  
PG>> But i think that even there it would be quite more comfortable to use
PG>> Textcolor instead of write(chr(27)+'[5;33m'); or such...
PG>Of course.  But a CRT Unit could use these sequences to access the
PG>terminal in a portable way.
Yes... transparent for the programmer...
PG>> exactly what I had in mind... don't kill it from the alphas :-)
PG>Don't worry.  If things develop as I hope, we will enter beta stage
PG>soon ...
so don't remove it from the betas, too %-)
PG>    Peter


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