problem with gpclib.a (alpha-version)...

Thu, 1 May 1997 13:01:13 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Andreas Eckleder:
> ...i've got some problem with the library file of the actual (?!?)  
> alphaversion of gnu-pascal...

(* Du meinst: "current" version? ;*)  Obviously not - see below.

> [...]
> the other problem i realized with this alpha-version is that i couldn't  
> manage to use the inline assembler.
> i only only got a message telling me function asm() not beeing existent.

This was a but in some old alpha versions of GPC which is fixed now.
The current version is gpc-970420 (see my signature).

BTW, the GPI file format changes with (almost) each version, so please
recompile your units after upgrading.

> because of this strong behavior i use the gpc2.0 compiler with the alpha- 
> libraries...perhaps THIS is the reason why the function above doesn't  
> work,
> but i am not quite sure about that...

(* That's what alpha versions are for:  To find all bugs before releasing
it to the public. :*)

Please try again with gpc-970420 - or with gpc-9705?? ... perhaps this
weekend ...



  Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970420] - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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