Re^3: Legal Change in GPC ?

Wed, 30 Apr 1997 00:53:42 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Christian Wendt:
> :-) I do the work and get common to the RTS C source (which is very vell  
> readable!) - and then learn all the work has been done...

Oh - sorry!  Since an improved BPcompat package for DOS (DJGPP) will
be released soon, what about facing Linux instead?  Sven's BGI2GRX
(Graph) Unit runs under Linux, but we have no CRT yet ...

> PG>available in the `contrib' subdirectory of the GPC distribution.
> BPCompat.pas is in my contrib subdirectory... but only "highlevel"  
> functions...

The same stuff as in Borland's CRT, isn't it?

> not "impossible"- you only got to reinvent the wheel and write to  
> $b80000... _big_ loss in portability & comfort (no easy to call writeln.

Nevertheless this will remain my preferred method in BO5.  The fastest
thing you can imagine on the DOS platform.

> BTW - is there a way to make a procedure to have a variable count of  
> parameters? (as writeln) - e.g. would it be possible to define to "C"  
> printf procedure within pascal ?)

Yes and no:  You can define a "Procedure Foo ( a, b: Integer; ... );"
with a triple dot indicating a variable number of subsequent arguments,
but I have not yet found out how to access them ...

> But i think that even there it would be quite more comfortable to use  
> Textcolor instead of write(chr(27)+'[5;33m'); or such...

Of course.  But a CRT Unit could use these sequences to access the
terminal in a portable way.

> exactly what I had in mind... don't kill it from the alphas :-)

Don't worry.  If things develop as I hope, we will enter beta stage
soon ...



  Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970420] - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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