Legal Change in GPC ?

25 Apr 97 18:27:00 +0100

Am 25.04.97 konnte ich meine Finger einfach nicht von der Tastatur
fernhalten... Folgendes kam dabei heraus:

I wondered how to implement the ability to change colours and write text  
to Standard output - but I think it's nearly impossible to do this within  
a Unit - the C - Textcolor doesn't work with the fprintf function that is  
used in the RTS... I wondered wether it would be legal (in sense of  
portability and compability...) to change the RTS : Textcolor works if you  
check wether the file passed to writeln is Stdout - when it is you use  
cprintf (or putch instead of fwrite).

The question is - would it be legal to do such - you could put in a  
variable (smth like "GPC_ConsoleOutput") to switch in on/off

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## CrossPoint v3.11 ##

Christian Wendt ( (Christian Wendt))

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"