New Alpha_(re)

Wed, 23 Apr 1997 14:40:38 +0200

First of all: Thanks for implementing all the new features and removing many
bugs! I like especially the packed arrays and records and the write(ln) with
subranges! :-)

Most of the bugs I reported in the last few months seem to have gone.
However, the following still doesn't work (if it's already/still on the bug
list, please ignore):

CONST n:1..16=6; {"subrange bounds are not of the same type"}
                 {The same with "var ...=...", ok with "var ... value ..."}

Then, a very small problem:

I have a Pascal program (let's say foo.pas) that uses some units.
I've put the following line into it:

{$IFDEF __GPC__}{$automake="-O3"}{$ENDIF}

It also needs some C functions contained in bar.c .

If I compile it with "gpc foo.pas bar.c", it works fine. But if I do
"gpc bar.c foo.pas", it doesn't ("Undefined references" to the C functions).
In the latter situation also the file foo.gpc is left.

It's no real problem since the first version works, but I just want to make
sure if this is supposed behaviour (for any reason) or a little bug.

BTW, the problem in Linux that I described is still there, but I solved it
(temporarily) by moving cpp to cpp_ and putting the following script as cpp:

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ $* -U__GNUC_MINOR__ -D__GNUC_MINOR__=7

Probably not a very elegant solution, but it seems to work for now...
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany
Turbo Pascal:
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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"