New Alpha_(re)

Fri, 18 Apr 1997 02:44:53 +0200

Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> Yes, conditional defines.  GPC pre-defines the symbol "__GPC__":
>     (*$ifdef __GPC__ *)
>       (* GNU Pascal switches *)
>     (*$else *)
>       (* Borland Pascal switches *)
>     (*$endif *)
> What would you consider "simpler" than this? ;-)

OK, if "__GPC__" is predefined, this is viable. I didn't know about this,
I tried just "GPC"...

> > BTW: Is it legal (with the currect version) to use "gpc foo.c bar.pas"?
> > I asked about this already in my mail about "Re: Linking directives..." on
> > 3 Apr, but unfortunately got no replies.
> Oh - sorry, I overlooked it.  #-)  Yes, it's legal, and it works on my
> Linux box, too.  (You wrote that it didn't work on yours; perhaps this
> bug is fixed now?)

No, it seems to be an installation problem.
Up to now, I could trace it down to the fact that "-D__GNUC_MINOR__=0(2" is
passed to cpp if called via gpc, instead of "-D__GNUC_MINOR__=7" with gcc.
I'm not sure yet why this is so, does it have anything to do with
"gpc version 2.0("?
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany
Turbo Pascal:
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