Main distribution line (Was: How should ...)

Tue, 15 Apr 1997 14:45:56 +0200

This goes back a few days...

Peter Gerwinski wrote:

>   * GPC's configuration scripts are written using `autoconf'.
>     I have no idea how to implement such an option there.  But even if
>     I had, it would disappear again when GPC will be integrated into
>     the main distribution line of the GNU compiler.

Does this mean that gpc will then distributed widely and will be present on
many (or most) systems? Now I had to make a version of my program in C
because almost nobody had gpc installed - any hope that this situation will
change? And are there any plans when this will happen - when gpc supports the
standard(s) completely?
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany
Turbo Pascal:
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