New Alpha_(re)

Tue, 15 Apr 1997 16:29:10 +0100

>I am writing a shell for GPC - "GPCC.PAS" (in Borland Pascal). All that
>does is to parse the command line, parse the source file to see whether
>it is a unit/module or a program (and pass the necessary "-o" or "-c"
>switch accordingly, read a file called "GPCC.CFG",  add any switches
>in it to the list of parameters obtained from the command line, and then,
>run "GPC" with the whole list of parameters.
I thought that gpc was similar to gcc(I'm not that familiar with gpc -- it
won't build with the cygnus source tree I use)..isn't gpc.exe like gcc.exe
in that it's just a shell for ccp.exe and cc1.exe, as.exe, ld.exe

It would be just as easy to write a whole new gnubpc.exe shell...? It would
be cleaner perhaps...


Dave Fiddes, CALM Software Production Officer
Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
email - Tel: 0131-451-3251

David Fiddes (

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