New Alpha_(re)

Tue, 15 Apr 1997 17:05:17 +0100 (BST)

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 16:29:10 +0100 David Fiddes  wrote:
>>I am writing a shell for GPC - "GPCC.PAS" (in Borland Pascal). All that
>>does is to parse the command line, parse the source file to see whether
>>it is a unit/module or a program (and pass the necessary "-o" or "-c"
>>switch accordingly, read a file called "GPCC.CFG",  add any switches
>>in it to the list of parameters obtained from the command line, and then,
>>run "GPC" with the whole list of parameters.
>I thought that gpc was similar to gcc(I'm not that familiar with gpc -- it
>won't build with the cygnus source tree I use)..isn't gpc.exe like gcc.exe
>in that it's just a shell for ccp.exe and cc1.exe, as.exe, ld.exe

I presume that GPC  is a shell to GPC1, or GPC-CPP, or, to both of
them. I am operating from the point of view of someone from a BP
background, who does not understand MAKE files or such, but
who is comfortable with the idea of a .CFG file that contains all the 
parameters you wish to always pass  (splitting infinitives here?)
to a command line compiler. GPCC (the name is insignificant -
perhaps it should be GPCS - for "GPC shell") simply provides this
facility. It also served the purpose of presenting me with an
opportunity to write GPC implementations of many Borland Pascal 
runtime library functions. This should increase GPC's "Borland"

>It would be just as easy to write a whole new gnubpc.exe shell...? It would
>be cleaner perhaps...

This is really what I am trying to do - but I don't want to make it just
a Borland extension shell, so it is just a program that reads a file,
parses the command line, and sends everything to GPC.EXE. The
implementations of Borland RTL functions are in UNITs, which will
be usable by everybody (I hope). Presumably, somebody someday
will convert the UNITs to EP modules.

Best regards, The Chief 
Dr Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief, and the Great Elephant)
Author of:  Chief's Installer Pro v3.12 for Win16 and Win32.

The African Chief (

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