DejaGnu anybody?

Mon, 7 Apr 1997 11:08:08 +0100 (WET DST)

Hello all,

I've inserted hooks in the GPC Makefiles for a DejaGnu based compiler
testsuite, like other GNU software (gcc, gdb etc.) has. The testsuite
itself has to be written though. It would have to cover all language
constructions (which are expected to pass) and a number of tests which the
compiler should reject (because they are invalid Pascal).

There's just one problem: I have never set up an autmated testsuite and I
have virtually no experience with DejaGnu.

So: Is there anybody out there who has worked with dejagnu and can give me
some help? Also, how do I set up such a testsuite? Take the ISO spec and
start writing small programs for every paragraph of chapter 6 in the ref?

Right now I have one program that passes ("Hello world") and one broken
program which fails (as expected) ...


Thus spake the master programmer:
"After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless."
[The Tao Of Programming]

Jan-Jaap van der Heijden (

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