Standard Compatibility [was: Re: New Alpha]_(re)

Sat, 5 Apr 1997 11:38:19 +0000 (GMT)

> - Naming the program gpc, spc, epc and bpc seems like a sensible way for
>   Un*x, but on systems that don't support either hard or symbolic links
>   (aka DOS), it would mean 4 separate binaries - probably not a good solution
>   there (although those DOS users who want to do only Borland style could
>   rename gpc.exe to bpc.exe). So this could be one, but not the only, way to
>   choose the defaults.

Isn't there a way by making *.BAT-Files in dos? That is something like a
shell-script, isn't it?

Bye, Nils

Nils Bokermann      
Johanneswerkstr. 90        Phone: +49 521 891279
33613 Bielefeld            FAX:   +49 521 550116
Germany			   "Wir wollen die Natur nicht erhalten --
			   Wir wollen nur ihre Dynamik nicht st"oren."

Nils Bokermann (

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