Feature-Control (Was: Re: New Alpha)_(re)

Sat, 5 Apr 1997 11:48:20 +0000 (GMT)

> On Thu, 3 Apr 1997 08:46:55 +0200 (MET DST) Nils Bokermann  
> wrote:
> [...]
> >>In case you haven't done this, can you
> >> introduce a .CFG file (like with Borland) where one can
> >> put all the command line switches that they want to use?
> >> The compiler will read the .CFG file before doing anything
> >> else, and will adjust its behaviour accordingly. I personally
> >> prefer this approach to using environment variables or the
> >> such. You can make many sample .CFG files 
> >> (e.g., borland.cfg, extended.cfg, iso.cfg, etc) which people
> >> can then rename to GPC.CFG or whatever.
> >
> >Oh, No! Please don't.
> >Why don't we handle this like it is used in the common place way at unixish
> >Systems: Take a Makefile and put a line PFLAGS (is this right?) in it. There
> >you have all your flags, you think you need. Let's say there is a


> Makefiles are probably wonderful. However, I don't know 
> much about them - and I am sure that many people from a BP
> or Delphi background are in the same boat. I am puzzled
> however as to what is so bad about using a .CFG file. Can
> you please say what your objection is?


> Any comments? 

Ok, I can imagine that Makefiles are a bit complicatet... 

As there a _too_ many programs which put there .foobar-File to my
home-directory I don't like the *.CFG or .foobarrc idea. If gpc whould be as
kind as it should, there should be a system-wide rc-file (That's ok to me) and
there _might_ be a users rc-file. But the user has to make it _manually_. 

But GPC should _not_ rely on the system-wide rc-file, so that I (for my system)
can remove it an GPC does run. 

The system-wide file should IMHO also be installed manually (By the Sysadmin of

What about that way?

Tsch"u"s, Nils
Nils Bokermann      
Johanneswerkstr. 90        Phone: +49 521 891279
33613 Bielefeld            FAX:   +49 521 550116
Germany			   "Wir wollen die Natur nicht erhalten --
			   Wir wollen nur ihre Dynamik nicht st"oren."

Nils Bokermann (nilsb@reality.owl.de)

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