Standard Compatibility [was: Re: New Alpha]_(re)

05 Apr 97 15:05:12 EST

You wrote:

>> Because that is how a majority of Pascal compilers do it.  
>But the majority is using borland and therefore this behaviour IS 
>USUAL for the majority of programmers, source-code-programs etc.pp.
>Maybe it is for YOU and YOUR compiler.

The majority of Pascal programmers use a Borland product, nobody disagrees about
that. However, the majority of programmers are they using Borland or did they
use Borland. Wil they prefer Borland compatibility? I don't.

gpc isn't developed for the dos platform. Borland excellently fills that need. I
want gpc to create truly platform independent programs for my unix machine.


Berend. (-:

Berend de Boer (100120.3121@CompuServe.COM)

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