identifier prefixing

Fri, 04 Apr 1997 21:31:06 -0800

I am moving from Borland Pascal (which I have used for years)
to GNU pascal (DJGPP port) because I have no more hope that they will
improve their DOS compiler (to 32bits, optimisation).
Many things work fine.
I found only one annoying problem: the inexistence of prefixing of
identifiers (e.g. unit1.proc1) to avoid name conflicts.
This is a very useful feature because it makes units of different 
origins truly independants. 
It also allows to redefine locally names of procedure to extend
some properties (I used it extensively to redefine procedures
of the graph unit to incorporate simultaneous PostScript copy of screen
functions: this allows to have either fast, screen 
only drawing, or slower, with PostScript copy, programs without changing
a single line of code of the main program).
Do you plan to do this soon, later or never, so that I can make
a decision whether I need to rewrite the whole stuff with non
conflicting names or wait until you have done it (I am not in a hurry,
I can use for some time the Borland compiler). 
Many thanks anyway for your work: I am no more afraid that
Pascal will disappear from the surface of earth due to the financial
problems of Borland. 
Maurice Lombardi             
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique       |  
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble BP 87 | tel: (33) 04 76 51 47 51
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE     | fax: (33) 04 76 51 45 44

Maurice Lombardi (

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