Objects and GPC_(re)

Fri, 4 Apr 1997 20:02:38 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi everybody, hi African Chief!

It seems that I am no more the only one who uses Objects.  :-)

According to The African Chief:
> Using the latest GPC alpha (9704), I find that I cannot
> import objects from a unit. I originally had the source 
> for TObject (below) in a unit, and used the unit in
> this program (test.pas). I had compile errors all
> the time.

That's strange because when I put TObject below in a separate Unit
everything compiles fine.  However the resulting code is buggy.  :-(
I will investigate this.

Did you recompile the Unit?  The GPI file format changes with every
new alpha GPC.

> Then, I put the object's source into test.pas
> itself, and it compiled.  But when I tried to create
> a descendant object (NewObj), as seen in the
> source below, again, I had compile errors - 
> complaining about the "initializer element" for
> some of the methods not being "constant".

I see.  You have detected a bug ... even two bugs.
Thanks for reporting them!

> Can anyone tell why this source does not compile,
> even with the -borland-pascal flag?

The `--borland-pascal' switch has no effect on this. 
You do not need to enable Objects, but vice versa, if you specify one of
`--standard-pascal·level-0', `--standard-pascal', `--extended-pascal', or
`--ucsd-pascal', you *disable* OOP.


  Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer
peter.gerwinski@uni-essen.de - http://home.pages.de/~peter.gerwinski/ [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970401] - http://home.pages.de/~gnu-pascal/ [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (peter@agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de)

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