unable to process using elf(3E) libraries

Fri, 14 Mar 1997 15:55:07 +0100

I am trying to get gpc up and running on a Sun Sparc 4
running Solaris 2.4

Whatever the source I try to compile and link, I get
link errors :

% gpc -o hello hello.pas
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
ld: fatal: file hello.pas: unknown type, unable to process using elf(3E)
ld: fatal: File processing errors.  No output written to hello

(I installed collect2 as indicated in the FAQ)

Another strange thing is that I am obliged to copy a whole load
of gcc objects (crt1.o; crtbegin.o; crtend.o; crti.o; crtn.o)
into my current directory to avoid additional problems. Without
these objects being present I get :

% gpc -o hello hello.pas
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
ld: fatal: file crt1.o: cannot open file; errno=2
ld: fatal: file crti.o: cannot open file; errno=2
ld: fatal: file crtbegin.o: cannot open file; errno=2
ld: fatal: file hello.pas: unknown type, unable to process using elf(3E)
ld: fatal: file crtend.o: cannot open file; errno=2
ld: fatal: file crtn.o: cannot open file; errno=2
ld: fatal: File processing errors.  No output written to hello

Is this a bug ? If not, I should be grateful if anybody could
tell me where in the installation I've gone wrong.

With my thanks,
David Lewis

Systems engineer
UTC - France

David Lewis (David.Lewis@utc.fr)

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