Variable number of parameters_(re)

Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:04:33 +0100 (MET)

According to Berend de Boer:
> I think if you really want var args, function overloading, powerfull
> preprocessors, etc. program in C or C++.

Function overloading is in FPK Pascal and in the PXSC standard.  PXSC also
defines operator overloading which is supported by GPC, too.

(Has anybody out there ever seen a working PXSC compiler?  I know about
the standard definition, but ... ???)

> Don't fool with Pascal's identity.

With the switch `--extended-pascal --pedantic-errors' everything which
exceeds the Extended Pascal standard is reported as an error.  You are
never forced to use existing extensions.

> And I think 99.9% of what people want with varargs can be quite cleanly
> implemented with Borland's open array and with variant arrays (boy, I need to
> use them sometimes, but it's quite bad to let the customer find typechecking
> bugs...)

Don't forget EP's Schema types. ;-)  I am prepared to put them into GPC,
but it will take some while, sorry.

BTW, what about conformant arrays?  Do they work with GPC, or are there
still bugs?  Somebody out there to write some documentation notes about
conformant arrays to tell the poor Borland Pascal programmers (like me;)
how to use them?


  Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
       maintainer GNU Pascal - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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