Some bug reports - and success report_(re)

Thu, 27 Feb 1997 17:57:53 GMT

> > > (And redirection is not easy with DJGPP anyway.)
> > Why? The only problem I know of is that Command.Com can't redirect stdout.
> You mean: `stderr'.
Yes, of course.

> > But that's merely a problem of Dos' shell, and is solved by the REDIR
> > utility. Otherwise it works fine for me. Or are there any other problems?
> That's what I meant with "not easy": you need `REDIR' to redirect `stderr'.
Well, at least there is such a utility. If that was the biggest problem with
Command.Com, it would be great... :-(

> Yes. :-(  It's a known bug in the GPI mechanism that pointer types
> transported through a GPI file aren't compatible with themselves.
> To work around, patch your gpc-decl.c (or wait for the next alpha),
> and use `Const' :-P instead fo `Protected'.  Then you will get some
> warnings, but the code will work.
Just wondering - what's the difference between "Const" and "Protected"
parameters? Are they only handled differently internally in the compiler,
or is there any semantic difference?

Another set problem is the following:


  IByte=__byte__ Integer;
  Byte=__unsigned__ IByte;
  TS=SET OF Byte;

VAR k:Integer;
  FOR k:=0 TO $FF DO
    IF k IN s THEN Write(k)


Again, more or less random values. It's probably another instance of the
problem with initialized set variables - I just wanted to mention it.

But after I could work around this, too, now my program compiles and runs with
gpc for the first time! :-) And a whole lot faster than compiled with BP! :-)


Frank Heckenbach (

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