GPC in an instructional envionment_(re)

Mon, 24 Feb 1997 08:37:06 -0800 (PST)

>	As GPC is starting to stablize, is anyone using it in an
>instructional environment (i.e. teaching beginning programming and 
>data structures?) We're kind of considering it. 

Actually, we (Computer Science Department at Western Washington
University in Bellingham, Washington (USA)) have been using gpc as our
primary Pascal compiler to support our beginning programming sequence
for our majors for at least 3 years.  It has been quite nice.  And
with gpc getting more of Extended Pascal implemented, you can have the
students do more with separate compilation and such.

Our biggest problem here is that the book we are using has gone out of
print and it was replaced with a C version.  We have yet to find a
book to match the book's approach and use Pascal.  So our department
is in the middle of the process of talking about the introductory
sequence for Computer Science majors.

For those who really want some sort of a programming envoronment to go
with gpc and are running X, look at xwpe.  (X window Programming Environment)
The environment is quite similar to the Turbo-Pascal environment.

Phil Nelson                       NetBSD:
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