need GPC Developers?_(re)

Fri, 31 Jan 1997 17:06:22 +0100 (MET)

According to Ronald Perrella:
> I'd like to see if there is anything I can do to help
> with GNU Pascal development.  Is there a wish-list of
> things people want?
> You may want to put such a list on the Web Home page.
> (if it was there, I could not find it...)

There is such a wish-list in the documentation, section "How you can
contribute to GNU Pascal".  But you are right that it should get a more
prominent place on the WWW site.

Just to mention a few current problems:

    * Improve the documentation.  I am, for example, not too content
      with the current order of things.  It should start with something
      like "Introduction to GNU Pascal", then "How to compile a program",

    * Write more example programs.

    * Make the "Borland compatibility package" portable.  I implemented
      it for DJGPP, but it would be nice to have it at least for Linux,
      too.  Also, the DOS Unit is still missing ...

    * Fix the bugs.  (Section "Known bugs and inconveniences ..." of the
      documentation lists most of the bugs.)

    * Implement the missing parts of ISO Standard Pascal, Level 1, and
      of ISO Extended Pascal - or at least point out what is missing
      because I actually do not know and I do not find it really
      instructive to read the Standard Specifications.

    * Implement the missing parts of Borland Pascal.  Implement Delphi
      and Pascal-SC.

You see that we are in the lucky position that there are enough of
open problems that you can choose that one you like best to see been
solved. ;-)  I suggest just to try to write some useful programs with
GNU Pascal (some of which we can publish as example programs), then
you will run into some bugs and inconvenicences in the compiler and/or
documentation.  Once you know what you think to be the most annoying
problem, try to fix it - and do not forget to contact us in case you
succeed or have any questions.

Thanks a lot for your offer!


home address:  D\"usseldorfer Str. 35, 45145 Essen, Germany

Peter Gerwinski (

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"