gpc linking problem_(re)

Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:12:00 +0100 (MET)

> I wrote the hello world program.
> begin
>    writeln('Hello World');
> end. 
> I compiled it with 
>   gpc -o hello hello.pas
> and it Worked!!
> But when i tried to compile it with
>   gpc -c hello.pas     <- this worked
>   gpc -o hello hello.o <- this crashed with a SIGSEGV .....
> it crashed when linking.
> What's the problem? 
> ( I tried the -v option, and it seems as if some of the temporary files,
> where not linked in )

Is it a ld-Problem? I've just tried it, but it works very well.

Here is my system-info:

reality:~/pascal$ gpc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-unknown-linux/
gpc version 2.0(
reality:~/pascal$ ld -v
ld version 2.7 (with BFD

Ok, this is the gcc with the g77 compiler. I've sent some patches to Jan-Jaap
and they will be added to the FAQ. (In fact it's only in the file toplev.c
where some options were added.)

Bye, Nils

Nils Bokermann      
Johanneswerkstr. 90        Phone: +49 521 891279
33613 Bielefeld            FAX:   +49 521 550116
Germany			   "Wir wollen die Natur nicht erhalten --
			   Wir wollen nur ihre Dynamik nicht st"oren."

Nils Bokermann (

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