Again: g77 and gpc ...

Sun, 26 Jan 97 22:53:06


 I noticed that there were some problems reported building gpc on a
system that
had the g77 patched gcc already. I just want to install ready-to-go gpc
over my
gcc/g77 setup under emx09c. I noticed that that would replace gcc.a
from the
original emx09c/gcc distribution.
Are there any negative experiences with that, or is it safe to do so?

Cheers. Stefan
Stefan A. Deutscher                     |  (+1-423-)   voice      fax
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville  |  UTK  :     974-7838  974-7843
Department of Physics and Astronomy     |  ORNL :     574-5897  574-1118
401, A. H. Nielsen Building             |  home :     522-7845  522-7845
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Stefan A. Deutscher (

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