Apparent bug._(re)

Sat, 25 Jan 1997 17:02:03 +0100 (MET)

According to Stephen Lindholm:
> I believe this is a bug.  I believe that this should not compile with a
> warning.

The warning is a bug in "-pedantic".  Nothing serious.

> gpc -Wall -ansi -pedantic --standard-pascal -o testfile testfile.p

> If there are any typos, it is because I rekeyed the program.  They would not
> actually exist in the program.  The compiler tells me that ISO Pascal does not
> allow a file name parameter to reset/rewrite.  I do not believe I am passing
> one to rewrite.  I believe the warning refers to the barbarous practice of
> some compilers of requiring:
> rewrite (testfile, 'Test');

It's UCSD standard, and I find it much more useful than Extended Pascal's
"bind" mechanism or Standard Pascal's method to mention "Test" in the
program's parameter list (which your program doesn't, by the way) -
where you have to type in the file name while the program runs.  What do
you think to be barbarous about that?

> My mistake.  Those testfiles in the program proper should be test.  The program
> name is testfile.

Yes.  Next time, please correct it in the e-mail *before* you post it.
The time I needed to correct your program would have been better spent 
on correcting the bug you are pointing me to.

However, thanks for the bug report.  It will be corrected in the next


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Peter Gerwinski (

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