Apparent bug.

Fri, 24 Jan 1997 13:30:12 -0600

I believe this is a bug.  I believe that this should not compile with a

program testfile (input, output);

 test: file of integer;
 i: integer;

 rewrite (testfile);

 for i := 1 to 10 do
  write (testfile, i);

 close (testfile);

Compiled with:

gpc -Wall -ansi -pedantic --standard-pascal -o testfile testfile.p

If there are any typos, it is because I rekeyed the program.  They would not
actually exist in the program.  The compiler tells me that ISO Pascal does not
allow a file name parameter to reset/rewrite.  I do not believe I am passing
one to rewrite.  I believe the warning refers to the barbarous practice of
some compilers of requiring:

rewrite (testfile, 'Test');

My mistake.  Those testfiles in the program proper should be test.  The program
name is testfile.

Please let me know if I am in error or when the bug will be fixed.  (I'm not
yet on the mailing list, so please forward a message directly to me.)
Thank you.

Stephen Lindholm (

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