A couple quick questions: Books, Accessing memory and Ports

Wed, 1 Jan 1997 17:30:08 -0500

Hello everyone,
Happy New Year.  I realize this is a very stupid question and that it should
be painfully obvious, but I cannot seem to find the answer.  Basically, I
recently started programming in the DJGPP enviornment and have been able to
do alot the of the basic stuff, I am very familiar with Turbo Pascal.
Unfortunentally, I am not familiar with the other languages that the
comipler is based on (ansi, enhanced etc.) and was wondering if there are
any good books/docs etc on the subject.

Also, I have been trying to find out about how to write, say a byte,
directly to memory or to read a byte directly from memory.


  P : ^void;

  GetMem(P, The_Space_I_Need);

  Now how do I read the and write to the memory I have allocated.  In Turbo
Pascal, i could use the mem[segment:offset] array, but that is not available
in GNU Pascal... 

I also wish to be able to read and write to ports, of the material I have
found, I know that the port[] array that was in Turbo Pascal is also no
longer available.  What can I do in its place (ie writing to SB registers
and to the Palette registers)

Any help on any of the above problems would be of a huge help!

Thanks in advance
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