I have a small Problem with GPC

Sat, 3 Feb 1996 19:21:09 +0000

Well after being advised to download GPC as a 32bit compiler I tired 
I have in the last few days Downloaded these files

GPC-1_1-.TAR.GZIP These had i486 somewhere I have three different 
versions of this file.

GPC112b.ZIP This was 730k and does not seem to want to compile any of 
my programs giving me an error after the first line in my program. 
(parse error Ithink)

GPC272b.ZIP a 1.0Mbyte file that I had to download twice as one of 
the files I downloaded was a bad zip (It was from 
Sunsite.Doc.Ic.AC.UK) and This gives me quite a few errors if I 
compile with the -c option.  It says nothing just accesses the disk a 
lot If I use no options.  

Do I need any other files to be able to use GPC.  I own a Pentium 
60Mhzwith 8Mb ram.  I currently use Turbo Pascal Verion 6.00.  Could 
you help me out please.  If it gave me errors about sytnax then I 
would be ok.  But it does not like the type 'Word'

I have a variable called Lookup which is an array of Word along with 
a few other variables that are words.  I assume this is something I 
am doing wrong as Word is a basic type I would have thought.  I even 
tried changing them to SWord (Single Word) and That did not help.  I 
seem to remember reading somewhere that I need GCC to be able to 
compile with this.  Is this true and Which version do I need.  Thanks 
for any help you could give me.  I hope that you can help as I would 
like to have a full 32bit compiler.
Gareth Harper AKA $ P @ /\/ $ ]-[
Tel - 01642 550854
E-Mail - Gareth.Harper@Onyxnet.CO.UK
Write - 16 Ganton Close, Billingham, Cleveland, TS22 5RE

Spansh (Gareth.Harper@Onyxnet.Co.Uk)

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