No more trouble with GPC (and a solution)

Thu, 24 Oct 1996 08:25:26 +0100


Hereby I would like to thank everybody who helped me getting GPC-2.7.2
started. Their hints and tips really helped me getting started.

The biggest problems occured because there were no installation
instructions in the binary *.ZIP file for DJGPP. People who answered my
request for help pointed out to me that I had to add a few lines to
DJGPP.ENV, but there was no clue about this in the files I got. It was
also not until I got the source files that I found out there had to be a
SPECS.GPC in my library-directory. This file was also not included in the
binary distribution.

So if someone would add the (revised?) installation instruction and the
SPECS.GPC file to the binary *.ZIP file, or if someone could tell me how
(I'm also a newbie at uploading to FTP-sites :-)) and where to upload the
revised file, the problems I had will be forever in the past.


When I am grown to man's estate I shall be very proud and great.
And tell the other girls and boys Not to meddle with my toys.

				--- Stevenson ---

Niels Heirbaut ---->

Niels Heirbaut (

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