Asmname Directive

Sun, 20 Oct 96 22:30:09 -0400


I am having trouble getting gpc to call external function names the way I
would like.  According to builtin.texi, there is a directive called 'Asmname'
which should allow for case sensitive function names. 

However when I declare:

function WinInitialize(fsoptions : u_long) : u_long; Asmname;
[u_long is a type defined elsewhere]

gpc responds with a parse error on the line.  What is the correct format for
using the 'Asmname' directive? -- I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere else
in the docs.

Using C or EXTERN in place of Asmname it produces calls to _wininitialize or
_Wininitialize, neither of which I want.

Kevin A. Foss	--

Kevin A. Foss	--

Kevin A. Foss (

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